Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bali Weekend! :D

Hello readers,

So, like you've noticed, I haven't been updating this a lot cause I don't have time or I don't feel like it, he!.
Like the title says ...BALI WEEKEND!!
In the week of January 28th we had a long weekend, starting from Thursday, which was awesome. We decided to take a spontaneous trip to Bali. Yes, BALI!! So, Bali..We all hear that Bali is beautiful, nice beaches, sunny, great weather bla bla bla.
Well at first, it seems like that. We got there at night after a turbulent flight with Lion Air, we managed to get there alive. Seriously, these planes have duck taped seat and shit, go figure!
At least our hotel was awesome. We arrived in Denpasar (the capital of Bali) and drove of to Kuta (the touristy place) And oh it is super touristy. You only see tourists. The locals there are only there to offer you massages, sell you souvenirs, taxi rides and well, most recreational drugs and prostitutes (women, men, children, grandma's...whatever you want) I was surprised to see that they weren't offering organs or something. All you could here while walking on the street was "taxi, transport, taxi, taxi?". Jesus, that was rather annoying. But yes, besides that, Bali has its goods. We only stayed in Kuta (Kuta Beach to be exact), and so we didn't get a chance to see all of Bali (yet).
That night, the scenery was freaking awesome. There was a full moon and it made the sky look so beautiful ( see picture) Even though the picture is kinda blurry.

Afterwards we went to have dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe (of course hehe..I'm a fan). There was a live band playing, like in all other indonesian clubs/bars/resto's. Once again, they covered Paramore. They are seriously obsessed with them. Later that night we walked around in search of a club but that gave up and went to the hotel. The agenda for the next day was surfing, surfing and more surfing, with a splash of clubbing :).
So Arvid and I got up "early" in the morning and went on a shopping spree (i.e. surf shorts and tops). Once those were found, we went to rent some boards and headed out to the ocean. P.S. It was scorching hot ! it must have been like almost 40degrees or something. ( You could see the heat rise from the asphalt) So yes, we went surfing. You would expect the beach to have white sands and turquoise waters, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but everything was grayish. Really. But that didn't stop us. You would think that the water would provide some kind of cooling from the heat, well..the water was as hot, which really sucks. But I wasn't complaining :p.
Surfing was, well, okay. It took some getting used to again, but the waves were't that great. Even though they told us at the place, that the tide was low (since we were late), but oh well.
After surfing we went to relax in our infinity pool and had some drinks. Later on we went into town to have a meal. Nightfall :D..YES!..PARTY!! Our dear friends Stephany and Phlo went along as well, and since Stephany is from Bali, she knew the spots. We went to this club called Sky Garden (AWESOME!). It's like 4 clubs in one with different music areas (hip hop/r&b, house, techno, and a live room) All you could see in the clubs were Australians and Europeans. It was like I was in Australia again, the only drawback was that they were all wasted and aggressive *nice*. So yes, the club. It was really cool, the music was good and well the crowd went wild. Besides the Aussies, the locals there (moslty girls), apparently, were all hookers? That's what they told us, which could have made sense, since they are like everywhere. But yeh, we stayed there until like 5:30 or something.
On our way to the hotel, you see all these people with children on the street begging for money, poor kids. Apparently they kids are not even theirs. They just use them to get money...sad, sad sight. Besides that, you get offered all kinds of things (like I mentioned before).
The next day, we went to take surf lessons which was really cool. The only thing was that one of the teachers was really annoying since everyone had to be the "perfect" surfer. I think the man didn't grasp the concept of "surf lessons for beginners". But the other instructors were really relaxed and laid-back, which made the day fun. This time, the tide was awesome and the waves were rather big. After two hours of constantly fighting the waves, we were dead tired. We went back to sleep and than to the airport. Since we only bought one-way tickets to Bali, we had to book our return flight for only 35euro's or something :D.
That night, we went to Seminyak. This is like the place to be once you're in Bali. Its has the best clubs, malls and restaurants. We had dinner at a rather fancy restaurant. Fancy here is like you pay 10 euros for a entree, main course, desert and drinks :D Gotta love Indonesia :D. Afterwards, we went to this bar called "Vida Loca" which was awesome. I met some people from Colombia there hehehe. This was followed by another club(don't remember the name) and then club Double Six. Apparently this is THE club in Bali. There was seriously nothing special about this place besides the bungy jump area! After that, we went back to club M (I think) and then later to Sky Garden. By then, it was already about 5am, and Aurelien and I decided to go to the hotel.
The next day was hell. I got sick due to the heat. It was TOO hot. And probably due to something I ate too, so I spent my last day in bed throwing up and shit *great end*. The next morning we had to catch out flight back (at least I made it back without getting sick).

All and all, the Bali weekend was fun. The only annoying thing was the local people harassing you all the time. But I am for sure going back a couple of times before I leave this place.


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