Friday, February 26, 2010


Selamat sore peeps,

So, tomorrow I am off to Lombok :D - but first, some updates.

This week I had my mid-term exams of the four fabulous subject I'm following here, which are Consumer Behavior Analysis, International Finance Management, Financial Management and Strategic Leadership. After three agonizing open-book exams and one closed-book exam,we decided that it was time to let off some steam.Immediately after finishing on Thursday, Arvid and I decided to take a massage. We've been like the dynamic duo in massage-taking hehehe. The people at the massage toko already know our names and stuff, so we don't even have to do much when we get there, which is really nice. The people are really nice and the massages are awesome. How can we afford massages? Well, a 30 minute massage is like Rp.30,000 which is like 2,50eu :D - Go figure.

So yes, after this we decided to have a pre-drinking night at the boys, which turned out to be just a drinking night since most of the people there were highly intoxicated. (I kinda like that word, it makes things sound more dramatic hehehe)
Julie's (housemate) brother is here for two weeks, and today is his last day so we decided that we were going to visit theBorobudur temples with him, later today. But, at 4:30am we decided, while Julie and her brother were highly intoxicated, that we were going to drive to Borobudur right then and there.

Flashback - A couple of weeks ago, we decided to drive to Borobudur on a great sunny day. Everything was going well, until we lost two members of the group (lack of orientation..pff). AFter an hour on waiting for them, it started to rain. I think I've mentioned it before that when it rains here, it RAINS. You get floods and shit, and the water levels rise like crazy. So imagine being on a scooter. Without any further details on what went down between loosing them and finding them, we decided that we were still going to drive to the temples since we were just "5 kilometers away" (right). The rain seemed to have stopped and then, boom, this fucking thunderstorm shit hit us on the way there. After like 20 minutes driving we were still "5 kilometers away" (I don't understand hehehehe). Arvid fell of his scooter, since he didn't have any grip due to all the rain. When that happened, we just surrendered to mother nature and gave it up. We decided to stop and hide from the rain, in this random waroeng stand.'s like they haven't had any customers for years or something. In the mean time we were an astonishing "2 kilometers away" from the temple. (right)
Things just didn't seem to get any better. One of the Dutch guys fell off his scooter too, scraping his arms and knees and shit. After 4 hours of driving up and down, we finally made it home. This was such a failure, it sucked. But back to yesterday.

So, after only 45 minutes of driving, we arrived at the Borobudur temples just in time for the sunrise. (I must note that I haven't slept for a day already). It was freaking awesome! We were climbing the temple when the sun was rising, and it was just beautiful. The architecture is super beautiful and well preserved. After walking around for maybe and hour we found Julie sleeping next to a statue hahahaha. Exhaustion kicked in as we were walking around and started to get really hot. (Note: it was around 7:30 - 8ish am) We decided to head back home. Julie's brother was still drunk and he even bought two beers on our way there hahaha. Later on, he fell asleep behind Aurelien (which was driving the scooter) was funny. You just saw the guy lean to the side like he was gonna fall of the scooter or something (fast asleep).

I must say, this was the most spontaneous shit ever, since it wasn't planned at all and Borobudur is like super far away hehehe (although we made it in 45 minutes compared to the last time that it took 1:30hr to just drive there - before loosing everyone). And lastly, at 6am I noticed I got an sms from Stephanie (she was at the house too) stating: "I'm coming with you guys toBorobudur. Where are you?". I think that by then we were long gone hahahaha. But, it was cool, period. (Pictures will follow soon)

Now I have to go pack because I'm leaving for Lombok tomorrow at 6am (for one week).

So guys, have a nice weekend and I'll see ya'll in a week!

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